Initial Offer Actions and Contact Procedures in Offer in Compromise Cases Worked in the Centralized Offer in Compromise Sites
 February 7, 2012         Control Number: SBSE-05-0212-020  Expiration: February 7, 2013  Impacted: IRM 5.8.4  MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTORS, CAMPUS COMPLIANCE OPERATIONS  (Brookhaven and Memphis)  FROM:  Scott D. Reisher /s/ Scott D. Reis... View
Posted at 02/27/2012 05:47:22 PM

Streamlined Installment Agreement changes
 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY   INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE  Washington, DC  20224  SMALL BUSINESS / SELF-EMPLOYED DIVISION  January 20, 2012  Control Number: SBSE 05-0112-013           Expiration:   January 20, 2013  Impa... View
Posted at 02/27/2012 05:46:16 PM

Local Standards for Housing and Utilities have been updated by the IRS
Yesterday the IRS has published updated rates of local standards for Housing and Utilities for use in calculating repayment of delinquent taxes. These standards are effective October 3, 2011 for purposes of federal tax administration only.   National standards for Food, Clothing and Miscellan... View
Posted at 10/04/2011 12:22:32 PM

New Offer In Compromise Logic and Forms Are Now Fully Integrated In PitBullTax Software
PitBullTax Software just released the new OIC Forms 433-A (OIC) and 433-B (OIC) along with the updated Form 656. After several months of hard work we are happy to announce that the OIC package is now fully updated with the most current IRS revisions and is available for immediate use. A big “T... View
Posted at 07/29/2011 01:01:09 PM

Centralized Offer in Compromise Streamline Offer Processes
Posted at 05/23/2011 01:40:41 PM

During the 1st month of 2011, PitBullTax Software released additional enhancements to the application, one of which is a comprehensive User Permissions module. This module allows administrators of multi-user licenses to set up time, content, and client permissions for each user under their account. ... View
Posted at 02/24/2011 12:17:36 PM

CRM/AR optional feature is available now..!
The Best IRS Resolution Software Just Got Better! PitBullTax Software just launched its extensive Clients Relationship Management and Accounts Receivable Modules (CRM/AR), two long-awaited enhancements of the software. Features included in the CRM/AR optional modules are: Sal... View
Posted at 01/03/2011 07:34:18 PM

Administrative Techniques in a Recessionary Economy: CDP, IA, OIC, Innocent Spouse, and FOIA Requests
Compared to the agency that existed in the “good ole days” before “reorganization” [seems like just yesterday, doesn’t it?], today we are dealing with a demoralized, centralized, mechanized, computerized, and very frustrated group of individuals who still work there. ... View
Posted at 11/18/2010 05:55:15 PM

IRS Form 13711 Request for Appeal of Offer in Compromise added
10/19/2010 05:09:37 PM PitBullTax Software has added another IRS Form to the list of forms prepared in the software: Form 13711 Request for Offer in Compromise. The latest revision of this form is June 2009. Use Form 13711 if you would like to appeal previously submitted Offer in Compromise and yo... View
Posted at 11/18/2010 05:47:13 PM

PitBullTax Software will participate in the 2010 Taxpayers Defense Conference organized by the Tax Freedom Institute and Daniel J. Pilla. The conference is from November 11th through November 15th and will be held on board the Navigator of the Seas while cruising through the Western Caribbean. I... View
Posted at 11/18/2010 05:44:15 PM

On October 1, 2010 PitBullTax Software introduced Monthly payment plans on Single and Multi-User Licenses starting from $79.99 a month. Monthly paid licenses can be used as many months as you need and there is absolutely no contract. Once you prepared your client's case and you don't have any other... View
Posted at 10/14/2010 05:17:00 PM

IRS Tax Resolutions Software
Never before in history have so many people owed the IRS such staggering amounts of taxes. They need help now and are willing to pay sizeable fees to alleviate their pain! If you are a CPA, Enrolled Agent or a Tax Attorney you can represent clients before the IRS and help them settle their liabi... View
Posted at 09/28/2010 09:40:22 PM

How Tax Resolution Software Addresses IRC 7216 Issue
On January 1, 2009, the 7216 Final Regulations went into effect. These new Regulations significantly restrict the use and disclosure of information tax professionals receive from a tax client. Failure to comply with the 7216 rules could result in severe criminal and/or civil penalties - so this ... View
Posted at 09/28/2010 09:39:33 PM

Lewis, Boustany Introduce Bill to Assist Struggling Taxpayers
May 12, 2009 By Matthew Beck (W&M) - (202) 225-8933 Brenda Jones (Lewis) 202-225-3801 WASHINGTON, DC;  Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman John Lewis (D-GA) and Ranking Member Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-LA), today introduced H.R. 2343, the Tax Compromise Improvement Act of 200... View
Posted at 05/03/2010 06:43:35 PM

Hearing on IRS Assistance for Taxpayers Experiencing Economic Difficulties
FOCUS OF THE HEARING: During this recession, taxpayers are experiencing financial difficulties. In 2008, there were 3.4 million foreclosure filings and 2.6 million job losses. Many taxpayers are struggling to meet their daily living expenses as they face a wide range of financial and personal issue... View
Posted at 05/03/2010 05:27:06 PM

IRS Suspends Tax Practitioner for Failing To Provide Service Related to Offers in Compromise
IR-2009-35 WASHINGTON — An enrolled agent was suspended from practice before the Internal Revenue Service by the Office of Professional Responsibility on April 6 for not performing services related to offers in compromise (OIC) paid for by taxpayers Enrolled Agent Richard Hargus worked in Ca... View
Posted at 05/03/2010 05:07:56 PM